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Conceptualization of Surface (SAMPLE A & A1)


This is Json's personal design method derieved from his research, writing and design work.  This is the basis for my design work and is not shared with students.  Elements from this method are used with students to expolore particular conditions regarding place, typology and form in a simplified manner of form generation.


Images of | design method (Conceptualization of Surface) and working sample The Assemblage (Bailey, Json)


The Conseptualization series produces nine essence posters presenting the design nature of a given project.

Along with a singular Conseptualization of Surface continuum of thought poster exhibiting the design process a a totality of thoughts regarding place.

Essence Studio (no.1) – Forms​ (SAMPLE B)


The Surface Series design method presents the fundamental collection of thought response conditions used to help students begin to artifulate ideas at any scale.

Images of | design method (Surface Series) and working sample (Bailey, Json)


​The exploration of thoughts and forms reveals the inherent nature of design endeavors.  These essences as constructed frame the potential of any design form.  This studio can is taught as a pure design (making) studio or a hybrid design studio/ seminar.  Within the seminar section of the course, I introduce reading, writing, and research material regarding the place.


The series produces seven posters exhibiting thoughts about the nature of essential elements.

Surface Studio (no.4) – Landscape + Architecture (SAMPLE C)


The Corresponding Moments design method presents the primary used to help students work thought any given design project (urban, landscape, architectural or interior).  This framework is used in studios No. 2 thru No. 5 in differing variations.  Images of | design method (moments) and student sample (Li, ChenYu)


The Landscape + Architecture studio is an exercise seeking to expand the design form limit beyond the temporal building envelope. The site within a given place becomes the programmatic surface. The program and development of a textural site are meant to articulate a oneness of place.  The primary form of this studio is the ground as a surface to be programmed prior to the introduction of building forms.


The Corresponding series produces seven posters exhibiting the design process a a totality of thoughts regarding place.

Essence Studio (no.1) – Forms​


Studio syllabus with student work samples.

Surface Studio (no.5) – Comprehensive Design​


Partial studio syllabus with student w/out work samples.

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